Magical! Simply magical! It's like a little bit of heaven comes down when the sunlight hits these crystal-bead snowflakes. If you look carefully you can see rainbows of light on Fisher's sweater in some of these photos.
Each Christmas and throughout the winter these hang in my windows, on my tree and dangle elegantly from the light fixtures in my kitchen. Every afternoon when the light hits the snowflakes in the windows rainbows of refracted light begin to decorate the walls and ceiling.
(you can find a link at the bottom of the post to purchase the wire snowflake frames)
My first snowflakes I made were for my wedding. Every year since I add to my collection! They are addicting and oh so fun to make!
But, to me, there is also a deeper beauty. These snowflakes are quiet declarations of the unique value and beauty in every single soul. I am guessing I have around 30 snowflakes and I have probably made around 50 of them over the years. I never tire of making them or looking at them. And I find delight and great joy giving them as gifts to family and teachers.
Each one is intriguing and captivating in a different way. They each are knit together with love and thought. They are evidence of loving hands that thoughtfully and patiently put them together.
Sometimes, I pray for a person as I create one. Other times I revel in the beauty of the stones, the colors and oh the sparkle! I delight in the stones that sparkle!
They remind me that I want to stay in a place close to God, so that His love and light can shine through me.... spreading God's colors wherever I go! I want to bring joy like the snowflakes do to those who see their magical rainbow dance in kitchen.
I want to encourage you to take the journey of making a snowflake (or more for yourself, friends and family). It is a tradition I have started with my son. We love making them together. The snowflake he made this year is the green and red snowflake... his favorite colors this year.

You are carefully, lovingly and wonderfully made by a loving God! He cherishes you! He delights in you and adores you! He has a purpose for you life!
If you take the journey into making a beautiful snowflake, my prayer is that the Lord speaks deeply to you of your incredible and unique value. May your heart savor the truth that you are fashioned by a loving Father. And He hears every whispered prayer.
Seek Him. Read your Bible for reminders of His love (Psalms is a great book of the Bible fo this). If you are not a believer (yet), start with the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).
Always remember, you are a masterpiece... a priceless work of art,
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